QUESTIONS? Email us at or send us a text at 330-461-9815

  • Step 1: Order

    Order your rental flowers online to secure your date. If your wedding is in less than 3 weeks, please send us a text to make sure your date is available prior to ordering.

  • Step 2: Delivery

    We will deliver all items that you ordered. Choose to set up yourself or for us to set everything up for you. Teardown services also available. We will coordinate with you to schedule a date and time.


    Either drop off your rentals at one of our drop-off points by the end of the day Monday, or schedule teardown and we will show up at the venue to handle the collection and cleaning of all items.



Rental orders may be canceled for a full refund up until 4 weeks before your wedding. Cancellations between 1 and 4 weeks before the wedding will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations within 1 week of the wedding will not receive a refund.

There is a $150 refundable deposit that you will get back within 1 week of us receiving your rental items. If there are any damaged or missing items, they will be taken out of the deposit.

Please allow 3 weeks before your wedding. If you are within that time frame, send us an email or text prior to ordering to make sure we can accommodate your event.

We will notify you and the replacement cost of the item will be deducted from your initial refundable deposit. If the damages exceeds the deposit, the card on file will be charged the remaining amount.

Delivery & Return

Self-Return: Items need to be returned to us at our Medina drop-off location before 7pm on the Monday following your wedding.

Teardown: If you choose teardown, we will handle the collection and cleaning of all rental items after the reception.

We have two options available:

Delivery: We will coordinate with you to schedule a drop-off time the day before your wedding.

Set-Up: If you would prefer to have us set everything up for you at your wedding, we will schedule a setup time the day of your wedding

*deliveries and setups further than 1 hour from Medina, OH may be subject to an additional charge.

Yes, we will contact you to schedule a delivery time window.